Strategic partnership of NFTGo x Endowed chair for Blockchain Innovation at the University of Tokyo

2 min readOct 20, 2022


The All-in-one NFT aggregation platform NFTGo and Endowed Chair for Blockchain Innovation in the School of engineering at the University of Tokyo have entered a strategic partnership for NFT research and educational development.

The Endowed Chair for Blockchain Innovation belongs to the school of engineering at the University of Tokyo. The endowed chair for blockchain innovation engages in various research and development on blockchain applications as well as entrepreneurship-focused research and education. As to support blockchain innovation’s operation of blockchain research and insights, NFTGo has decided to provide the necessary materials and accurate insights and metrics of the NFT ecosystem with their data aggregation technology.

The Collaboration of NFTGo and Endowed Chair for Blockchain Innovation

Moving forward with this partnership, the endowed chair for blockchain innovation and NFTGo will jointly collaborate to analyze and research the NFT ecosystem to provide educational value through research papers and collaborative events. In hopes of accelerating the adoption from Web2 to Web 3 by delivering the best educational references and accurate market insights.

The endowed chair for blockchain innovation considers that NFT is one of the valuable applications of blockchain and has been researching price analysis and applications for several industries. They continue to research the social utility of NFT further.

NFTGo’s vision is to be the gateway of the NFT ecosystem and facilitate the migration from Web2 to Web3. We believe this industry is still in its early stage, and much research and innovation are required. To facilitate that, our priorities are making data easily accessible to the masses and delivering the best educational content and professional market insights.

About Endowed Chair for Blockchain Innovation, University of Tokyo

The endowed chair for blockchain innovation was established on Nov. 2018 and belongs to the school of engineering at the University of Tokyo. Their research activities are focused on blockchain technology and its application to society. As a part of the social implementation, they support students to start their own businesses related to blockchain.

About NFTGo is a leading all-in-one NFT aggregation platform that enables our community to analyze NFT market data and make transactions. offers a set of powerful tools and features, including real-time NFT Market Analytics, Trading Aggregator, Developers API, Rarity Model, Top Mints, Whale Tracking, Watchlist, Twitter Extension, Drops calendar, and many more to help our community discover, analyze, trade, and manage NFT assets. The platform serves 500+ institutional customers, 1000+ communities, and 1M+ retail users worldwide.




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